The two projects available were: 1) A gift box construction from parts cut using our new Cricut Maker machine. 2) A 3D Paper Circuit popup work based on a design thinking activity that helped participants brainstorm the 3D paper project.
We finished the night with a Q & A with the group, asking them what we could provide to them as Maker Educators and what kinds of programs we could provide. Most of the educators who attended liked the programs we outlined to them, but wanted us to hold specialized nights or activities for affinity groups around specialized activities, like: laser cutting, 3D printing, Raspberry Pi, design thinking, curriculum development, program development.
By the end of the evening, there was plenty of lively conversation going on, and we actually had to ask people to leave about 25 minutes after the scheduled end of the event.
We will be holding a Community Open House on December 2, 2017 starting at 2:30PM in the KCI Underground MakerSpace. To RSVP for this Open House, please go to this link.
To find us on the Foothill College Campus, after entering the campus, follow Perimeter Road past Lot 3 on the back side of the campus. Krause Center for Innovation is the domed building ahead on your right side. Turn right at the stop light and head up the hill. Parking is available in Lot 4 on the left hand side. We are looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday. Feel free to tweet at us (@KCI underground).
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